Microsoft Azure platform technology tutorials

How to deploy V lang REST API on Azure

In this tutorial we will see how to deploy a V lang based REST API on Azure App Service in the containerized form. Before, we proceed let's look at the very short and sweet introduction to V.

How to deploy V lang REST API on Azure - TutLinks
How to deploy V lang REST API on Azure - TutLinks

Deploy FastAPI on Azure App Service

In this tutorial we will see how to deploy FastAPI on Azure App Service Linux Plan. The FastAPI will have PostgreSQL database and Asynchronous REST Endpoints. We will create a PostgreSQL database on Azure and App Service Plan to host FastAPI on Azure ☁️.

Architectural overview of FastAPI running on Azure App Service – TutLinks
Architectural overview of FastAPI running on Azure App Service – TutLinks

How to add CAA record to Azure DNS in 4 simple steps

In this tutorial we will see how to add CAA record to Azure DNS. Azure does not have a straight forward way to add CAA record using GUI front as of 2020. This needs to be manually added using PowerShell scripts by accessing Microsoft Azure Cloud Shell.

Adding CAA record to Azure DNS Zone – TutLinks
Adding CAA record to Azure DNS Zone – TutLinks