How to deploy V lang REST API on Azure

In this tutorial we will see how to deploy a V lang based REST API on Azure App Service in the containerized form. Before, we proceed let's look at the very short and sweet introduction to V.

How to deploy V lang REST API on Azure - TutLinks
How to deploy V lang REST API on Azure - TutLinks

Data Synchronization in Concurrent tasks using locks in V Language

Sometimes it is essential to share data and have data synchronization between the concurrent tasks. With the help of shared objects and locks, V allows you to synchronize the data between the tasks that are running concurrently. In this tutorial, we will see by example, on how to leverage shared objects and locks to synchronize data across concurrent routines using V Programming language.

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Sharing data between the main thread and concurrent tasks using locks in V Programming Language - TutLinks
Sharing data between the main thread and concurrent tasks using locks in V Programming Language - TutLinks

Deploy FastAPI on Azure App Service

In this tutorial we will see how to deploy FastAPI on Azure App Service Linux Plan. The FastAPI will have PostgreSQL database and Asynchronous REST Endpoints. We will create a PostgreSQL database on Azure and App Service Plan to host FastAPI on Azure ☁️.

Architectural overview of FastAPI running on Azure App Service – TutLinks
Architectural overview of FastAPI running on Azure App Service – TutLinks

Deploy FastAPI app on Google Cloud Platform

In this tutorial we will see how to deploy a FastAPI app on GCP App Engine. The tutorial will give a detailed walk through on how to create an app on Google Cloud Platform and deploy a FastAPI application implemented in python. By the end of tutorial you will learn how to deploy FastAPI app on Google Cloud Platform.

Deploy a FastAPI app on Google Cloud App Engine – TutLinks
Deploy a FastAPI app on Google Cloud App Engine – TutLinks

Implementing Async REST APIs in FastAPI with PostgreSQL CRUD

In this tutorial we will implement a Python based FastAPI with PostgreSQL CRUD. We will focus on implementing Asynchronous REST Endpoints with the help of Python based module databases that gives simple asyncio support for a range of databases including PostgreSQL.

FastAPI CRUD PostgreSQL Async RESTAPIs SQLAlchemy – TutLinks
FastAPI CRUD PostgreSQL Async RESTAPIs SQLAlchemy – TutLinks

Install PostgreSQL 12 on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will see how to install PostgreSQL 12 on Ubuntu. We will cover installation, configuration and create a user and grant privileges on a newly created database.

Install PostgreSQL On Ubuntu - TutLinks
Install PostgreSQL On Ubuntu - TutLinks